Minds of the Movement

An ICNC blog on the people and power of civil resistance

Alain Refalo

Alain Refalo is a school teacher in Haute-Garonne (France). A thought leader in the French nonviolence community, Alain was a conscientious objector to military service, and is also director of publication for the quarterly magazine Alternatives non-violentes (2006-2013). He is one of three spokespeople of the Mouvement pour une alternative non-violente (MAN) and member of the Institut de recherche sur la résolution non-violente des conflits (IRNC). In 2003, he helped found the Centre de ressources sur la non-violence de Midi-Pyrénées. He is the author of numerous publications on nonviolence in French, and regularly publishes articles on nonviolence and civil disobedience on the Non-violence, Écologie et Résistances blog.


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