Minds of the Movement

An ICNC blog on the people and power of civil resistance

Joel Preston Smith

Joel Preston Smith is director of field operations and communications for Frontline Wellness United, a nonprofit medical aid society that provides medical care, wellness services and training for social justice activists and nonviolent civil resistance movements. He served in the pipeline resistance camps as evacuation manager and emergency shelter director for the Cannonball District of the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation. To contact FWU for healthcare, visit http://frontlinewellness.org

Writings from Joel Preston Smith


Movement Commentary

Tres maneras de reducir los conflictos internos en los movimientos de resistencia civil

Uno de los momentos menos favoritos en mi trabajo como gerente de emergencias en las protestas contra el oleoducto de Standing Rock en 2016-2017, fue contemplar el cierre de una cocina del campamento debido a conflictos culturales entre dos grupos tribales nativo americanos. La cocina del ‘Campamento California,’ inicialmente dirigida por una chef profesional de la tribu Kurok, servía hasta 400 comidas diarias en su apogeo. […]

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Ideas & Trends

Three Ways to Reduce Internal Conflict in Civil Resistance Movements

In any analysis of what drove the Standing Rock camps to implode in the winter of 2016-2017, failing to deal with cultural or racial conflict and turning a blind eye toward internal violence were prominent triggers. This article distills recommendations that can help stave off some of the most vexing internal conflicts that can metastasize like cancers in civil resistance movements. […]

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Interviews & People

Overcoming Mental Health Challenges as Movement Leaders and Activists

If we believe that peace, human rights and environmental justice have both cultural and economic value, then it behooves movement workers to address the mental health needs of activists committed to creating those ‘products.’ But that’s a long-term solution, and we are hurting now. How do we address pain now? […]

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