Minds of the Movement

An ICNC blog on the people and power of civil resistance

María Belén Garrido

María Belén Garrido is a research lecturer at the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador, a researcher at FLACSO, Ecuador, and a Ph.D. student at the Catholic University of Eichstätt/Ingolstadt. Her Ph.D. thesis is about civil resistance movements in Ecuador between 1997 and 2005. Her main expertise and publications are in peace and conflict studies with particular focus on civil resistance in the context of armed conflict and in semi-democratic systems. In 2019, she collaborated as moderator in an ICNC online course and participated in different trainings organized by ICNC.

Writings from María Belén Garrido


Scholarship & Research

Military Defections under Popular Uprisings: Ecuador (2005) and Bolivia (2019)

In Ecuador and Bolivia, the countries’ presidents were unable to complete their terms because of growing waves of civil resistance, but also one decisive factor in particular: military defections. This blog post analyzes military defections in a way that hopefully other civil resistance movements worldwide may distill some insights. […]

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Movement Commentary

¿Qué podemos aprender de las protestas en Ecuador?

El 2 de octubre de 2019 el presidente de Ecuador Lenin Moreno, mediante el decreto 883, anunció la eliminación de los subsidios a la gasolina y el diésel, lo que desencadenó 11 días de protestas. Las protestas terminaron el 13 de octubre con un acuerdo entre el Gobierno y el movimiento indígena – el principal grupo que se oponía a la medida – para derogarlo y reemplazarlo por otro elaborado en consulta con el movimiento. […]

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Movement Commentary

What Can We Learn from the Ecuador Protests?

Last October, Ecuadorian president Lenin Moreno announced the removal of petrol and diesel subsidies, sparking 11 days of protests. The protests ended on October 13, following an agreement between the government and the indigenous movement—the main group opposing the move. A resolution was swift, but state repression and violence from both within the resistance movement and by outside actors left eight dead and over 1,300 injured. With such a heavy toll in such a short time, can the movement truly be considered a success? More importantly, what can be learned from this episode? […]

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