ICNC's Moderated Online Course Begins March 2025

World Social Forum held in Kathmandu in February 2024. Credit: Maneesh Pradhan
For over a decade, the International Center on Nonviolent Conflict has hosted our People Power online course.
Now, with new case studies, quantitative research, and practitioner insights, ICNC is launching our inaugural Movements and Power course.
In Movements and Power: Civil Resistance in the 21st Century, several dozen highly motivated and collaborative participants from around the world will join with selected moderators to:
- Learn from curated videos and readings from experts and practitioners addressing key aspects of nonviolent resistance campaigns and movement building;
- Discuss course content with peers in moderated online forums and live sessions
- Build a collaborative learning community with other learners by sharing experiences, reflections, and stories.
Basic Details and Application Info
This 4-week online course provides an interactive, in-depth, and evidenced-based perspective on nonviolent civil resistance movements and campaigns. Here are the details:
Course Dates
The course will run from March 24 – April 20, 2025.
Applications are due: End of day, Sunday, March 16, 2025.
Participants will be notified of their application status by March 19.
Course Content and Schedule*
Module 1. Understanding Power and Resistance
Unit 1: What is Civil Resistance?
Unit 2: Power Dynamics and Theories
Module 2. Turning a Trigger Event Into a Movement
Unit 1: Transitioning from Protest to Movement
Unit 2: The Movement Cycle and Ecosystem
Module 3. Waging the Struggle
Unit 1: Choosing Tactics
Unit 2: The Trifecta of Civil Resistance
Module 4. Ensuring Success
Unit 1: Catalyzing Defections, Increasing Participation, and Creating Alliances
Unit 2: Repression Management and Backfire
Course Moderators
Moderators will include selected members from the ICNC staff and select alumni from previous iterations of the course.
Types of Activities
The course will involve an international learning community in a number of activities to be completed within specific timeframes, including readings, viewing videos, and active engagement with weekly discussion forums and optional live sessions.
Online Platform
The course will take place on ICNC’s online learning platform and begins with a live orientation webinar on Monday, March 24, that guides admitted participants through signing up, logging in, interacting in the online space, and getting the most out of their online learning. The live orientation will happen twice, at 9 AM and 4 PM EST (14:00 and 21:00 UTC) to allow for participants from around the world to fit the one-hour session into their schedules.
Time Zone Flexibility
Participation in the class is not restricted by time zone. Course content, forums, and posts are all accessible to participants at any time of day. Outside of the introductory webinar and optional live sessions, people do not have to be online at the same time as others. You can log in to the course each day to read and watch material and participate in discussions as it best fits your own schedule.
Who Should Apply
We encourage any movement activists, organizers, scholars, educators, members of civil society, policy professionals, and journalists to apply to take this course—if you think the course will help you participate in, support, or analyze nonviolent peoples’ movements for human rights, political freedom, social justice, and environmental sustainability more effectively.
In past years, we have had over 150 people apply for our courses. On average, we only accept 50 participants. For this class, we are looking for participants from all over the world who:
- Have strong personal motivations to learn and apply their knowledge of what makes civil resistance struggles effective;
- Are willing to engage with other participants and share their knowledge and experience about nonviolent movements and campaigns in respectful and collaborative ways, even when they disagree;
- Are comfortable with writing, reading, and speaking in English; and
- Are committed to meeting the work expectations and the participant code of conduct as outlined below.
Expectations of Participants
Work and Time Commitment
All participants are expected to spend a minimum of 5 hours per week in the online classroom, and should average at least 1 hour per day for the full four weeks of the course. The course work involves reviewing materials, posting comments about the readings and assigned videos, and responding to other participants’ posts.
Meeting these requirements is essential to the learning experience for all participants. Course content released each week builds on past content, therefore, learning is interrupted and ineffective when participation is irregular. In addition, we believe that all of our participants have important contributions to make to the learning experience. Lack of participation and irregular posting in the forums are therefore a disservice to other participants and may involve removal from the course.
Certificate of Completion
A certificate of completion will be awarded, upon request, to participants who fulfill all requirements for satisfactory completion of the course. This requires:
- Reviewing all required materials and completing each module in the allotted time;
- Completing all surveys set up in the modules;
- Posting relevant comments about the assigned readings and videos in all required forums in each course module;
- Interacting with and responding to other participants’ posts in all required forums in each course module;
- Spending at minimum 5 hours per week in the online classroom, averaging about 1 hour per day for the duration of the course on reviewing materials, posting comments and interacting with/responding to other participants’ posts.
If requested by a participant and awarded by ICNC, a certificate of completion will be sent by email in PDF format within two weeks after the end of the course.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. “Is ICNC planning to run another one of these online courses at some point?”
ICNC has been running this course for over a decade. However, we encourage you to use the available opportunity and apply for the Spring 2025 course.
2. “Should I still apply if I won’t be able to meet all of the participation expectations of the course?”
Preference in admission will be given to those who can commit fully to the stated course requirements, including a minimum average commitment of 1 hour per day. We cannot guarantee an admission for those who cannot commit to the course requirements, though they can still submit their online application for our consideration and add a note regarding how much they can commit to if, for various reasons, they cannot take on the full course load.
3. “What is the anticipated knowledge level of participants? How much are they supposed to know about civil resistance or have experience with it?”
It is beneficial if most applicants have some level of practical experience or some basic knowledge of nonviolent resistance. This will contribute to deeper and more meaningful exchanges and engagements with other students. Having said that, applicants with no prior experience or knowledge of the subject will not be automatically rejected if they demonstrate that the course will be important for them in planning for, launching, or studying civil resistance actions in their near future.
4. “What advice do students from previous participant-led course have for those applying for this course?”
Here is what previous students for this course advise:
- Go through the course material early in each module;
- Write about and post your initial responses to the course material before you start reading the comments of others;
- Scan other participants’ comments, and respond to at least one or two in every forum you are engaged in–and more if you feel grabbed by what people are talking about. If you have expertise and can offer support, wisdom or thoughtful questions, do so;
- Quote key parts of the posts you are responding too in a different font from the text of your response;
- Get into a habit of spending an hour or two a day working on this course. Frequent visits to the website and nearly daily work helps with digesting and synthesizing all this new information;
- It often helps to go back to review the course material toward the end of a module after your initial overview and forum discussions get started;
- Work hard to keep up with your work—for your sake and the sake of other participants;
- Ask for help from other participants or the course administrator when necessary;
- Validate other participants and encourage the full participation of others. Reach out to participants you haven’t heard from recently and tell them how much you appreciate their participation;
- Stay curious and try to learn as much as possible.
Apply Here!
All applications must be submitted by Sunday, March 16, 2025. Applicants will be informed of their application status by March 19, 2025. Please email icnconlinecourses@nonviolent-conflict.org if you have any questions.