Mire van szükség a zsarnokság megdöntéséhez?
Editors: Mathew Burrows and Maria J. Stephan
The Atlantic Council, Washington, DC — 2015
Translation: Bálint Misetics, November 2017
The Checklist for Ending Tyranny (Hungarian) Peter Ackerman es Hardy Merriman From the book: Is Authoritarianism Staging a Comeback?
Editors: Mathew Burrows and Maria J. Stephan
The Atlantic Council, Washington, DC — 2015
Translation: Bálint Misetics, November 2017
A Milosevic megbuktatására irányuló szerbiai Otpor mozgalom (2000) és az ukrajnai „narancsos forradalom” (2004) szervezői egyértelmű strat…
Bringing Down A Dictator documents the spectacular defeat of Slobodan Milosevic in October 2000—not by force of arms, as many had predicted, but by …