Manual de Capacitacion en la Noviolencia – una guia para entrenar agentes de paz
This manual, written in Spanish, provides background and training material for teaching a course Introduction to Nonviolence. Though it was written in the context of a community activist organization in Mexico, the material has been intentionally compiled and presented so as to be adaptable to different local and national contexts. The manual explores three main topical areas: (1) a Gandhian perspective on violence and nonviolence, (2) nonviolent direct action, and (3) constructive programs and peace projects.
Developed by ICNC LIN Fellow Poncho Hernandez.
Resources produced by other LIN fellows include:
Handbook for Building a New Uganda
The Course of Nonviolent Struggles (French)
Communication Strategies for Nonviolent Organizing in Kenya for Tax Justice
I Stand For Justice! (Malagasy)
Peaceful Resistance and Nonviolent Actions for Social Change
Manual of Organized Civil Resistance (Spanish)
Published 2017